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Discrimination of sexual and gender minorities in sports and exercise

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The research objective of this study was to describe, primarily with quantitative research data, perceived discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and its effects, as experienced by LGBTI sports practitioners in the contexts of competitive and recreational sports, and in physical education (PE) in schools.

The research questions were:

  1. What were the exercise habits and preferred sports of the studied LGBTI sports practitioners?
  2. How often had they experienced discrimination by their coaches, instructors, other team members or members in their exercise group, or by their PE teachers, on the grounds of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, over the past year?
  3. What type of structural discrimination had LGBTI sports practitioners encountered?
  4. What type of effects had this discrimination had on their well-being and engagement in sports?

VLN 2014:1 Discrimination of sexual and gender minorities in sports and exercise (PDF, 851 kt)